Celebrating and Helping Animals
Ohio’s Animal Week will be seven days of fun-filled activities that focus on recognizing, celebrating, and helping animals. Animal shelters, rescues, humane organizations, businesses, and animal lovers are invited to participate by organizing or attending an event in their communities.

Become a part of a week dedicated to the animals! The list of ideas and possibilities are endless. Through hosting an event, your shelter, rescue, or business can help make a difference in the lives of animals. Adoption fairs, spay/neuter or vaccination clinics, shelter open houses, walks, poker runs, classroom presentations, and blessings for the animals are just a few of the many activities that can be planned. Brainstorm ideas with your staff, volunteers, or community members. For additional ideas, please visit our Get Inspired Ohio page.
Once you have decided to participate in Ohio’s Animal Week, we want to hear from you. Tell us your plans or ideas by completing the online form on the Host an Event page. Once we receive your information, a description of your event and contact information will be listed on this website, so the public can attend your event or activity.
Individuals can help, too! Are you a K-9 officer or a retired school teacher and willing to speak to school children? Do you own a business? Consider making a donation to a local humane society, rescue group, or sanctuary with a specified purchase. Everyone can do something to help the animals.
Ohio Animal Week Participation Form
The success of events planned during Ohio’s Animal Week depends on public support. Through your participation in adoption fairs, walks, bake sales, etc., you can strengthen the efforts of a local shelter, rescue, or wildlife center. Please visit our Attend an Event page to find out what is going on in your area. Join in the fun and meet other animal lovers and just maybe your next best friend.
Join in the fun and at the same time help Ohio’s animals.